Adrienne Miller — Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books — TBD

Adrienne Miller, IN THE LAND OF MEN

Adrienne Miller, IN THE LAND OF MEN

Adrienne: I got the job as an editorial assistant at GQ because a professor of mine knew someone who knew Granger who was an editor at GQ. I had no sparkling CV at the age of twenty-two. I'd had an internship in New York. That was it. I was an English major like everyone else. I was a women's studies minor like everyone else. There was nothing, really, to distinguish me, but I studied before my interview, back issues of GQ. I went to the library at school, pre-internet obviously, mid-nineties. I studied like a Koranic scholar, back issues of GQ for like ten years. I was able, when I went to New York for my interviews, actually able to talk about what I had read in GQ. The writers who wrote the pieces, I knew their names. I stylistically was vaguely able to talk about them. That's the only reason I got the job. Granger finally admitted years later that he had hired me because I was the only candidate for the job who’d bother, even, to open the magazine. I think that's an important part, also, of my story and really any professional story. Be overprepared.