Elliot Ackerman — Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books — TBD

Elliot Ackerman, WAITING FOR EDEN

Elliot Ackerman, WAITING FOR EDEN

Elliot: You've got to work, do the work. It sounds really obvious. Sometimes it’s not obvious that you have to do the work. You have to read. People sometimes don't recognize that -- my process, too, is I read. I read as much as I write. I try to read really widely without a very specific agenda because that's how you get the good stuff. Don't let rejection beat you down too much. It’s horrible to say. I want to use a sports metaphor. I call it up-at-bats. You have to get up to bat. You have to keep getting up to bat because that's the thing you can control, is how much you're putting yourself out there. If you only connect on something, get something published or whatever it is, one out of twenty times, if you're getting up to bat a hundred times, that's pretty good. You're in the door. If you only get up and try once or twice or three times, you might be great, but you're not trying enough. You're going to think you're failing. One of the great things about writing is in so many respects you have the control. One of the horrible things about writing is that you have the control. [laughter]