Renée: Ways to Make Sunshine is the book that just came out in April. I have been writing books that really tackle social issues and really think about young girls finding their voices to speak out against injustice or speak out and say who they are and name their own identities. I needed to, as a writer, do something that wasn't as serious or as social justice warrior girl. I was thinking of, how can I explore just a girl who is having fun in her neighborhood, riding her bike, racing the boys, figuring out that she is strong and how she can be brave and what her talents are? I just wanted to play around with black joy and the fun part of being a child and focus on that. I was thinking about, how could this take shape? What's the plot? I really loved the Ramona series growing up. I've read all of Beverly Clearly's books. Beverly Clearly, she's from Oregon. Ramona lived in Portland. I wanted to write a story in that vein about a black girl who lives in Portland and is rambunctious and makes up concoctions in the kitchen and experiments when she's cooking with her mom.