Lisa Baker Morgan — Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books — TBD

Lisa Baker Morgan, PARIS, PART TIME

Lisa Baker Morgan, PARIS, PART TIME

Lisa: I went from being happy and like, I'm rebuilding my life and look at how happy I am, and literally within twelve hours, my body was poisoning itself. Nobody could ever tell me how I got so sick. It wasn't like I was in a car accident and then it was, oh, there's an explanation, or you caught this. That kind of impermanence really put a fire under my bum to go, I don't know how long I'm going to be here. What do I want to teach my daughters? What do I want to do for myself? I went from emailing my sister-in-law the combination to my safe to having the ability to write a to-do list. I'm like, okay, if I have this gift of days, I want to make the most of it. That's up to me. As you know, especially when you're in a divorce framework, A to B is not going to be a straight line. I think it's important for people to realize that. It doesn't matter how old you are or what your circumstances are. We all have different talents and circumstances. You can make it happen. We can all find our joy of life. Tragedies and bad experiences are going to happen to all of us. We'll always be searching for that calm after our equilibrium is shaken up. This was mine. I hope it resonates with other people as well.